
Weekend Airbrushing Class

I am really excited to announce that I am back to teaching in person weekend classes! My first one will be at the most excellent Herrick Games and Hobbies in Boulder Creek, CA Ever wanted to paint miniatures like a pro? Now you can with my airbrushing class! In this class, you’ll learn everything you…

Thanksgiving 2021

Those of you that have been following my blog for a while will know that I like to take some time every year, on Thanksgiving (USA) to write a blog post where I express some of the things over the last year that I have to be thankful for.* The last few years have seen…

Venturing into Modelling Historicals – part 3 

With the fuselage assembly completed, it was time to launch into the painting. I repeated the zenithal process I’d already performed on several of the individual parts. I mentioned in a previous post that there was mold slip causing several of the parts to be misshapen. I wasn’t sure how many of the struts to…

Venturing into Modelling Historicals – part 2

Having done initial assembly, it is time to lay down the first pass with paint. For simplicity I used Stynylrez Black primer and implemented some initial highlights with Vallejo White ink (my preferred white for airbrushing). I also used a little Mission Models Emerald Green mixed with a little of the white ink for the…

Venturing into Modelling Historicals – part 1

A short while ago I discovered the International Plastic Modellers’ Society. A group for plastic modellers. Originally I signed up to get a discount on a high end spray booth but then found out that the local group met relatively near me and now I’m on a slippery slope that saw me by 3 model…

Month 5 – Back to rank and file

The penultimate month of this excellent endeavour had arrived and I was feeling cocky. A slight over ordering meant that I had an additional unit of Kharadron Overlords above my initially planned two squads, well no matter – I\’ll just paint up more models. Why not. I\’d kicked off my participation in #taleof5painters with a…

The feeling when you\'ve lost a month

Month 3 of Tale of 5 Painters didn\’t materialise for me… My focus ended up being on a Lumineth army for the NOVA Open Foundation charity auction that should be going live in a month or so. I also had a lot of customization work that was needed for both the Frigate I was meant…

Keeping the hobby healthy

After a year in lockdown, many of us are suffering failing mental health, isolation and general ennui. Painting has provided many of us with something to focus on but it often spins into unhealthy cycles of competition. Instagram has provided a whole world of competition for likes, followers, engagements. It can become a dangerous cycle…

It\'s a Pirate Dwarf for me

And so I truly begins! February 2021 – Month 1 of A Tale of Five Painters is upon us! Each month, we painters have a target to build up and paint. You can find details of our first month\’s objectives here: Essentially we are looking to get a unit and a hero (non-general) fully painted…


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