
Dev has been painting off and on for 25 years. He works very hard at being lazy and has used this to find as many shortcuts to great looking models as possible.

Lean, mean painting machine… but friendly and a little tubby.

Dev has been throwing paint onto plastic soldiers since he was just a small boy. Thousands of models later, dozens of commissions and a few competition medals later – he’s teaching others some of his secrets!

As a commission painter – Dev has developed many techniques to ensure eye catching results in less time.

As an occasional competition painter – Dev has built up many of the skills to achieve really high end results.

In his professional life, Dev has spent years providing training and tuition in a business environment. These are the same skills that help ensure the best possible outcome for his painting students.

Some popular classes

Painting Ethnic Skintones

Tabletop Plus in a Day

Airbrushing Vehicles

Airbrushing Infantry